I don't think I mentioned in this blog that we bought our kids a Wii at Christmas. We were lucky to get one I know. Having lived with it for a couple of months and having played it regularly but not fanatically (at least once a week) I thought I'd give you a few of my impressions as a game enthusiast but also as a father. One of the first things we did was play Wii Sports, this package actually comes with the Wii when you buy it and it's a lot of fun - especially the bowling game for young children. My 7 year old likes to play tennis with me and I've enjoyed the golf game a bit on my own. We don't play the boxing game very much though, that is the least liked one. The Mii creation aspect of the Wii is what my kids love - you create these living kind of avatars called Miis. Once your done you can save them and see them walking about on their own in the Mii Plaza where you can also pick them up and organise them according to your needs. There is a channel called the Mii Contest Channel where you can judge Miis that people have created according to a theme and you can make and submit your own Miis for others to judge. You then get to see where your creation ranked and how well it fit the theme. It's a very simple but elegant type of play. Take a look at the video at the kinds of variety you can discover in Miis.