Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nothing left to fear (2013)

This film tells the tale of a family moving from the big city to a small town where the father is to become the new pastor of the church. One of the first scenes sees the family pulling in to a farm because they are lost. One of the teenage daughters sees a farmhand bleeding out a sheep on the back of a truck. Still, it doesn’t put her off that much as she tries to pull him a few mins later into the film.
The town seems welcoming at first. However, there is a dark secret in the town. One of the family’s daughters is soon in serious trouble.
I can’t say I enjoyed this film very much, although it isn’t terrible. It’s just not very scary and nothing is really explained - maybe that’s what it should have been called!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sad news of Emily Hartridge’s death

I heard some shocking news yesterday. A video blogger I have enjoyed watching for a few years was killed in a road traffic accident on Friday. Emily Hartridge was her name and she was beautiful and funny and a genuinely nice person. Such a shame and a terribly sad loss to everyone who knew her and those who thought they knew her through her open and honest and funny videos. She was in her early thirties and had so much more to give the world, such a tragedy we have lost her. Terribly sad for her family and sisters, who she was very close to. Such a terrible shock for them, a shock for us all but especially her beloved ones.

Find her work here:

Instagram and Twitter

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Stung (2015)

Started watching this film and after 30 mins or so, I turned off because I as tired and needed sleep. It wasn’t great and certainly wasn’t engaging enough for me to want to watch it all in one sitting. Over the next couple of days though I did find myself kind of wanting to see what was going to happen. A pair of young caterers were working on a remote country estate and guests were arriving as the wasps started to get bigger.
It’s a kind of monster horror film with big wasps with barbs that pierce flesh. Nothing out of the ordinary really. I couldn’t work out if it was all being played for laughs or not. There are sequences that are more light hearted than horror. Nothing I’d watch again but it was fairly entertaining mainly through the relationship between the young caterers. Not a scary film though.