Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter under lockdown

It's Easter Monday now, the fourth and final day of the Easter holidays. I have started playing Skyrim, learned how to use Frequency Separation in Affinity Photo, edited some photos from a photo shoot that I thought were beyond salvage and reclaimed them. I have spent time outdoors in the garden, mowed the lawn, eaten meals outside with my family and completed the reading of a book. Prior to the Easter break the fear was that the general public would not heed the government's warning about lockdown but it turns out that the vast majority has heeded the government's warnings and has stayed home. Last Sunday I was shocked to hear that Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital and I was even more shocked when the day after we were told he was in the Intensive Care Unit. At that time I couldn't imagine what the outcome would be but I'm glad to know that he has now been released from hospital: must have been a very unsettling time for him and his partner/family. The country needs Boris, I didn't think I'd ever hear myself say this but it does.