Monday, August 08, 2005

Hard Lessons

I was thinking today about how I often have thoughts imagining what would happen if I was so stupid and actually did stuff like:
  • touch a high voltage mains wire
  • put a hand between two large moving cogs
  • deliberately try to touch another car moving fast on a two-way road

And lots of other crazy but relatively small and easy things to do that can get you killed, just to see if it would kill you or not. It's a bizarre world but I bet there are like hundreds of deaths each year due to these kinds of thoughts - it must be similar instincts to the Jack-Ass style of prank except just more extreme.

Then it led me to thinking, what about the people who have actually done something stupid like these things and gotten away, probably with serious life-changing consequences. Hard Lessons - it would make an interesting website with video messages of mangled people saying "Don't do what I did, I lost a leg" etc..

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