Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year

The year 2018 is over and 2019 has begun. The weather is dry at least, so the year is not starting with drizzle as it has in previous years. I slept in, have been sleeping later in the mornings during the holidays so that will stop in the morning when I have to return to the work routine and have to catch a train.
I don’t really do new year resolutions but I do have plans for the year in my head, which I just need to turn into reality. It will not be easy to achieve some of the plans but some are ongoing things I just want to start and then keep up. Not giving up or slipping back are good goals to have for the year ahead.
I hope 2019 is a better year in terms of health for my family. There have been some setbacks and operations and treatments but I hope everyone gets better this year.

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