Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday 2019

The wonderful aroma of a fine Sunday lunch is drifting from downstairs as I write this post from my bedroom. Our guest, my mother in law, is expecte any minute. So, I’m snatching a few seconds to write this down.
Changes are sometimes subtle, since Valentine’s Day we’ve been regularly attending the gym we joined and to my surprise we have kept it up through the cold nights. My weight was starting to trouble me because I wasn’t eating well and wasn’t exercising and could not see the situation improving without taking action. We had been discussing joining the gym since November 2018 but had been waiting for the right time. I thought it was now or never back in February. I was struggling to tie my own shoes, bending down I could feel my belly getting I the way. So after two months of regular exercise and eating better I am happy with progress. I was over 75kg in weight and for my height that wasn’t where I should have been, my BMI was into the orange and would be heading towards the red if I didn’t do something to arrest the decline. I was also worried about the amount of sweets I was eating and diabetes. Now, my weight is 66.9kg, that’s almost a loss of 10kg. I want to get my weight under 64kg, so I still have some work to do but the great thing is I feel better. I can bend to tie my laces without my belly preventing me. I can wear shirts without feeling they are bulging around my middle. I can even get into and button jeans I thought were lost to me. So, I am happy with my progress!

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