Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!

It is January 1st 2020. The start of a new decade. It sounds so futuristic to type 2020, easy to type. This blog has been going for 15 years now, albeit with a pause over the last few months of 2019. Life has been a little bit hectic with work and concentrating on photography and simply trying to relax and not worry so much about time passing but enjoying the moment. We have been living with a new family member since the 10th December, a puppy. The pup is a pedigree Hungarian Vizsla, a beautiful dog with a short brown coat and thin floppy ears. Quite big and strong.
So, in terms of plans for 2020:
Reading challenge - I have done this for the last few years and will continue with it again this year. I have read more this year due to buying a new kindle paperwhite prior to the cruise we went on.
Photography - I have spent the last couple of years developing my understanding of the basics. I would like to do more advanced things and be more creative. I have photographed models and formed a friendship with a cosplayer and would like to keep on branching out in portraiture.
Physical activity - in February 2019 we joined a gym and have been attending regularly, albeit with a pause in December. Over the last 3 weeks I have gained some weight I want to lose and now we have the pup I want to start getting out and about with him and the family.
Film & TV - I would like to complete watching things I start and watch more of the things I know I like, actually enjoy the time watching things rather than seeing it as time lost.
Videogaming - rather like my TV viewing, I would like to use the time playing games to play ones I enjoy and give a better experience.
Music - I think 2019 was good for music, I expanded the bands I listen to and bought a number of new albums. I know that new Nightwish and Delain albums are due out this year. I hope there will be a new Arch Enemy album out this year also but I haven’t heard this is planned.
Holiday - we have a cruise booked for the summer. It’s a 2 week adventure in the Mediterranean and should be a highlight of the year. One experience I haven’t blogged about was a trip to Bergen in Norway I did for work. It was a good experience and I would like to use some leave to visit another country with my wife.

That’s the first post of this year completed. Have a great 2020!!!!

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