Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Have you ever kept a secret? I'm sure at one point or another all of us have. When someone asks us to keep a secret it's a burden they put on us. It's certainly a relief when the secret is lifted and you can talk about it but it can be very hard on the people sharing the secret while its still a secret - especially if it's good news. The difficulty is that some people can keep secrets and some can't - the burden becomes too great that they have to share it. Sometimes people even tell others that they have a secret that they can't divulge - its just attention seeking and the worst kind because they know they'll be constantly asked to reveal the secret and enjoy the anguish on people asking. Secrets between friends can be used to hurt other friends by excluding them, another horrible use of secrets. I don't like secrets, I don't trust people who burden others with their secrets.


laura b. said...

Wow, yes, I am always torn between feeling pride and discomfort when I am the recepient of someone's secret to keep.

FW said...

Yeah, I can keep secrets but they can be a burden - especially when the news is good.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I think I have one secret that I haven't told very many people.. but it is still a secret to this day.. I also tried to keep a secret recently this summer with Big Hairy Man but he overheard a conversation and found me out... It was about his surprise birthday party... He still got some surprised the day of...

FW said...

I was maybe too negative on secrets, sometimes keeping something a secret can be a good thing to do. It might spare someones feelings.

Tara said...

I still feel guilt over keeping a secret I shouldn't have. It wasn't a secret meant to hurt anyone, but it was regarding health and family and eventually the rest of the family found out another way, but I felt terrible for keeping the secret in the first place.