Sunday, April 20, 2008


I came to the conclusion this morning that I need to bring some creativity into my life. Everyone needs a balance of things in their life: love, friendship, fruit and veg, laughter and play, exercise, sense of purpose and productivity and also creativity. We get some creativity by enjoying the creative efforts of others, through entertainment of various sorts, and some of us can enjoy being creative in lots of different ways: cooking, while we're at work (if its possible) and what we wear or things we buy. In my case, the creative need goes a little bit more basic - its a need to create something - whether a piece of writing or a drawing. I want to train myself to produce a drawing or some writing everyday. That feels like it will be very hard but I think it is something I have to find time to do.


laura b. said...

Maybe you and Tara need to start posting to Dinkums and Doodles again!

Tara said...

I think Laura B. has an excellent idea there! It has been dormant for awhile, so we need to bring it back to life. :)

When my choir is over for the summer, I'm definitely gonna miss it...At least till September when we start again.

FW said...

L.B. & Tara: Doodles seems to get a fair amount of traffic even though its been a while since I posted there...perhaps we should start drawing doodles again...