Sunday, March 07, 2010

Oscar 2010

It's that time of year again for the Oscar ceremony. I wonder who will be victorious tonight? I hope the following get some awards:
  • Avatar
  • District 9
  • Inglourious Basterds
  • Up
 I haven't seen many of the films nominated, I've only seen the two above. I think Avatar should win just for its trailers, they were pretty awesome. Up and Inglourious Bs were great fun to watch, while District 9 just sounds exactly like the kind of film I'd like to see (trailer good too). I'd also really like to see The Hurt Locker so I hope that gets an Oscar. In a way, I would like Hurt Locker to win best picture over Avatar like it did with the BAFTAs. Avatar must be the favourite though but it would be good for a female director to win an Oscar and does James Cameron need any more awards to prove he's great?


laura b. said...

I'm interested, for the first time in awhile, in the Best Picture category. Ten is a big field, but it only made the race that much more interesting. LOVED Up and Inglourious.

laura b. said...

Huh. Well, Hurt Locker, eh? Hm.

Tara said...

I predict that Sandra Bullock will win for Best Actress and that Christoph Waltz will win for Best Supporting Actor...

I'm good, aren't I? Hehe. Actually I didn't get a chance to read your post until today, so no psychic abilities were utilized. :)

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I think that James Cameron was a little thrown off his throne.. ha ha.. I'm sure he is happy for his ex winning.. Eh? Up was fantastic.. Glad it won several awards..

FW said...

LB: Surprise! Yes, I'm not sure why it won but I haven't seen it so...
Tara: OK, I'll let you off!
MHW: Avatar did win some awards and I hope he's big enough to take it. Good news for female directors though, even if it took a long time coming.