Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Return

My dear blog friends, I thought I would post an update since it has been so long. I am sorry I had to neglect my blog for a while, the pressure of different things was getting on top of me and I had to simplify my life. The things are:
  • My daughter's school appeal
  • Our decision to put our house up for sale
  • Finding a new house
  • Talking to mortgage lender and estate agents
  • Starting a big new project at work before completing the last one
  • Starting a new project for our local judo club
As you can probably guess, my daughter's schooling and our house move have been the biggest areas of concern for me. It's a massive decision and change for us. The process of buying and selling takes a long time we're finding out. I literally haven't been able to deal with so many things happening all at once. There have been things I've had to say I can't or won't do in order to be near home and family. Some of these things have been very painful, such as declining an invite to a friend's wedding in May. That really upset me. But I know that sometimes in my life, I just have to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm - and that's exactly what my life feels like at the moment.

Thank you for your good wishes, I hope to be back soon. I would like to give you some news on the house move when I can.


laura b. said...

You do have a lot going on, but it seems as though you have your priorities in order and are doing all you can to move each thing forward.
I know the housing situation will work itself out...that is just a patience issue I think.
Not sure about the school thing. Are you needing to get your daughter into a specific private (or do you call them public?) school?
Anyway, I do wish you the best.

Tara said...

You can only do so much in the midst of everything you've had to go through lately! I hope things quiet down soon for you.

Good luck with getting the new house!