Sunday, June 05, 2011

Not Removed At All

I have been pre-occupied with moving house, that epic is still to finish running, but in the meantime I thought I would just visit my blog to check it out this afternoon. I was shocked to discover that it had been removed, the reason was apparently suspicious activity on my gmail account. So I've resolved that but I'm at a loss about the removal of my blog. I have managed to restore it but I don't need a shock like that very often, I'm not afraid to tell you.

I hope I will be able to blog regularly again soon. In the meantime it will be on an ad hoc basis.


laura b. said...

Wow, that must have been a bit of a heart stopper...I am looking at your sidebar and you've been keeping this blog over 6 years. It would hurt to lose all of those thoughts

I hope everything is going okay with you, FW. Wishing you the best, friend.

Tara said...

Well that's just plain weird and wrong to hear that your blog was removed! I'm glad things are back in order!

Oh and I hope the moving in is going well and that you can settle in soon and relax. That's the best part of a move.

india said...
