Sunday, August 21, 2011

Not much to post about

This is probably going to be a random post, as I don't seem to have much to say about anything. We're still sorting through stuff we brought with us when we moved. At least I can say its in the garage and not in storage where we would be paying for it. I found out where our local recycle centre is, after taking a few wrong turns. I briefly looked at Google Maps before I set off and the signposting to the centre wasn't, well it just wasn't - at least not from the direction I was travelling. The wrong turns did lead to to find a country park and a local wood, so I don't feel too bad about losing my way; sometimes a wrong turn helps in some other way (a bit like life!). The recycle centre itself was smaller than I've used before but it had a better feel to it. At our old centre I used to feel that the staff were a bit sharp, meaning I felt some trepidation before putting my rubbish in the skips, occasionally I would get one of them shouting I was putting something in the wrong skip. I know it's their job but I hate being told off.
I did a bit of gardening this weekend with my wife. Putting some slate chips down around the shrubs on the front garden, had to buy 8 bags and boy they are heavy! I did some digging in our back garden, which is much bigger than our old one. It's got some borders, grass, a stepped area and a patio. I would like to work out a design for it, my wife doesn't think it'll ever happen but actually I can't see her agreeing to what I've got in mind anyway. I like gardens that have secluded areas and interesting things. The garden centre where I bought the slates from had these ornaments that were zombies climbing out of the ground - just the head and arms as though they were rising from the grave. I thought they were quite cool but my wife would never have one.


laura b. said...

I'm glad you found and liked your new recycling center. I always feel unduly shamed when I do something wrong..even when it is something I've never done before.
I hope you enjoy spending time in your new big yard. I do sometimes miss having a little garden to putter in.

Tara said...

The zombie garden ornaments sound cool to me, too. If I had a yard I would at least buy them for Halloween!

When I moved into the apartment I'm in now, I forgot to reserve a storage space. I wound up getting rid of lots of stuff I didn't need. Garage space costs an extra $35, so that option is out.

FW said...

LB: Thanks, I hope I spend more time out of doors now too. I used to feel a bit of detachment with our last garden, like it was something just to look at from inside. It felt too public.

Tara: You did the right thing, too much stuff can be awful burden. And how much stuff can we really appreciate at one time? I need to get rid of some more stuff myself.