I'm sorry I've been very lax over here on this blog this year. I've concentrated on other areas of my life I guess. I had a couple of extra days tacked on to the Easter weekend last week, which were nice, but now Easter has come and gone and my kids are due to return to the normal school week tomorrow. That's another milestone of 2012 out the way, the years go by so quickly.
I've been living with a sensitive tooth for months, since November. I have a dental appointment in a couple of weeks when I hope I can get it fixed up. I think it's a result of not filling it properly last time. I had two fillings re-filled in November and one was fine but the other hurt and the pain has just got worse. I'm okay normally but if I get any cold in my mouth I really feel it and I hate tooth pain.
My work life has been really busy and at home it seems like there is never enough time to sort things out, like we need a new fridge but are getting by with the one we have even though it's not refrigerating as often as it should - we're coping by swapping out the blue plastic ice blocks from a chiller bag every 12 hours. We've been doing this for months. Also there is a light switch needing to be fixed in one room, so we just taped over it and don't use it for now. Then there is a plumbing issue to sort out in another room. Instead of sorting these things out we are busy cleaning, cooking and shopping to keep everything on the straight and level.
My eyes are feeling very itchy this afternoon. I hope it's got nothing to do with the weedkiller I was spraying on the lawn earlier.
I watch X Men First Class last night on DVD, I enjoyed it. Thought it was worth seeing again in the future, I haven't bought it yet though but if I see it cheap I would buy it. I borrowed X Men Origins Wolverine from my dad a few weeks ago and haven't seen it yet. I'm looking forward to watching that now.
Nice to see you!
Blogging is pretty far down on a list of priorities for a busy family man :)
Glad you were able to have some down time and enjoy a fun movie.
L.B.: Thanks, I constantly feel like I could be using my time better...
I really liked "X-Men: First Class"! I bought it on a whim before even watching it for the first time. "Wolverine" was an interesting movie. It kind of grows on me the more I watch it.
Good buy I'd say, even if on a whim!
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