Monday, October 07, 2013

Tom Clancy RIP

Tom Clancy passed away last week on the 1st October, aged 66. It's a loss to the world of a great writer. I've read a lot of the books he wrote himself and I've read some of the books written by ghost writers using his brand name. I've also been a fan of the videogames that he endorsed with his brand name. I've recently finished his book Teeth of the Tiger. I've only got one more of the novels he wrote himself to read, it's called Without Remorse. I'm not going to read this one just yet, I'm taking a little break from Clancy. I do own copies of three books written since 2010, beginning with Dead Or Alive, but although they bear his name they are ghost written. I'm not sure whether I'll get around to reading them or not. I'm not in a rush to read them., they don't tend to be as good as the ones he penned himself.
There are a few other authors I'd like to try in the same genre as Clancy, like Stephen Coonts and Dale Brown. I've read a Dale Brown but don't think I've tried Coonts.


laura b. said...

I was somewhat surprised to hear of his death. 66 isn't all that old these days. I thought maybe I hadn't been aware of an illness, but it seems they are being very discreet about what actually killed him. I can't help but be curious about that.

FW said...

LB: I hadn't thought of his death in that way but yes, you're right about the lack of information. I was sort of under the impression that he had been ill for a long time because since 2010 his books have been written by ghost writers.