Sunday, November 18, 2018

David Brent: Life on the Road (2016)

I don’t normally post films on here that aren’t horror related but there are exceptions and since I haven’t been watching many films at all I thought this was another exception worth making. The story follows on from the TV series docu-drama of the live of David Brent an ex-regional sales manager for a paper supply firm based in Slough, Berkshire. David is no longer a manager and now works for another company called Lavichem, which I think is still in Berkshire but not sure which town it is supposed to be, maybe Slough still. This time the focus is on his attempts to make it in the music industry and land a record deal. He gets a band together, Foregone Conclusion II, and goes on the road with a friend who is supposed to be an up and coming rapper.
To cut the story short, there are few laughs in this extended piece. The formula feels tired and it lacks strength in the other characters around David, which was what made the TV series watchable. You could dislike David in the TV series and laugh at him, but here he is a sad and pathetic figure that doesn’t make you dislike him. You just feel a sense of desperate pity. I didn’t think this film was very successful, it’s a fate suffered by other funny TV series when they change to the big screen format.

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