Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)

This film is one that I've heard the name of before but wouldn't have been able to picture what it was about. It's the story of a successful female fashion photographer who suddenly starts to see through the eyes of a murderer. It's a great premise for a film. The execution lets it down though. Faye Dunaway plays the part of the photographer, not very realistically I might add. Her eyes are pretty scary when the shot is a close-up. That's the only scary part however. The casting choices are strange, Tommy Lee Jones plays a detective that falls in love with the photographer. He sports a monobrow and it seems unbelievable that he would be attractive to the photographer. The fashion photographer takes provocative photographs of semi-naked female models. They are much more reminiscent of the kind of photos a man would take.
The plot is a bit of a convoluted one and I'm not really sure I understand it at all. I can't tell you why she was having these visions through the murderer's eyes though. Not a film I can easily recommend.

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