Monday, December 17, 2007

2007, you're nearly up

How was 2007 for you? I know it's not yet over but in general its been alright without being extreme in either good or bad terms. I feel somehow that I'm either entering a creative period or leaving one - I hope I'm entering one because I don't feel I've been particularly creative this year. I feel I've withdrawn into my shell over the last few months, certainly blogging wise I've found it difficult as I've had to be more focused at work, less relaxed and hence more organised. This affects what I do in my spare time, in order to balance things out I've become less organised in my social life - it's not been a conscious effort I have just been pondering things and came to that realisation about 5 minutes ago. So, in my head I've been thinking about next year. I am 40 in 2008, so I'd like to do something memorable. I've also been thinking about writing. Writing a novel is very demanding but I have been considering the challenge - without really considering what kind of novel I would write. I'll be thinking more about my achievements this year, I'm not sure whether I'll share them here or not yet. I started this blog in January 2005 and one of my considerations will be whether or not I want to continue it. There might be other vehicles for articulating my thoughts. I don't know. I'm rambling, so goodnight and I'm off to listen to some music....


Tara said...

Well welcome back!! Bloggerland hasn't been the same without you! I hope you do continue your blog, but life does happen. 2007 has been pretty good for me and my family so far. We didn't win the lottery or anything, but it's been pretty good.

FW said...

Glad to hear that. Looking back at my posts I can see why it is useful to capture some of my thoughts here, so I don't think I'll be dropping out. I've needed to reconnect with my reasons for starting up the blog in the first place.

laura b. said...

Yes, I do hope that you'll keep blogging, even if it is only now and again.
I am pretty much hoping that 2008 will be a bit better than 2007. It has been kind of a tough one.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Hi there. I know I haven't been by much lately.. But I wanted to wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas. we have lots happen this year in our family.. The year has flown by it seems and our family has flourished.. You ought to try writing a book.. It is challenging but the rewards far outweigh the negatives.. If you don't put ypurself on a time limit then you can take your time.. Good luck..