Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tech Gifts

Funny how times change, isn't it? The growth of the electronics industry has led to the the development of plenty related industries. Toy departments have been affected a lot by changes in the toy industry, not always for the best. I've seen quite a number of toy shops close locally. Those that continue less resemble a toy shop than an electronics store. It's a bit of a shame, I feel, when kids engage more with a screen than their imaginations. I had some electronic toys in my childhood but they were fairly naff and restricted by battery power and there was no world wide web to connect up to. I'm not a fuddy duddy, I love playing videogames and I love gadgets but I do wonder sometimes where it is all leading and whether it has got out of control for very young children. We've had to set our PC up for parental control recently because my kids are starting to use the computer now for school work and email. Knowing what's out if you look for it there makes me very wary.

I wonder how big the market for tech gifts is? My wife and I have spent a load of money this year on presents for each other. I think next year we should aim to be less tech-driven and give ourselves some good old fashioned stuff like clothes and books.

I saw a new shopping category in the catalogue this year: PINK GIFTS. Oh My God! Please shoot me if I ever buy anyone a pink gift: ARRGGGGHHH!! I ordered my wife something pink just the other day!!! (At least it wasn't from the pink gifts catalogue). BUT the pink gifts section must be a nightmare for catalogue publishers because there doesn't seem to be any connection between the stuff apart from the fact it is pink - so they have to duplicate the stuff again in their respective categories.

PS. We bought a really cheap keyboard some weeks back and the B key doesn't always work, so any typing usually involves proof reading to ensure I've not missed any Bs out - infuriating!!! OK, so I guess a new keyboard is some other new tech that we have to get. :-(


laura b. said...

If you look at my blog, you'll see exactly how much electronic stuff I bought...a lot. I don't always feel great about it, but I do feel great when I am able to get my kids what they want (even if it isn't exactly what I would want for them).

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

The toys that they are coming out with nowadays are too expensive and I would always wait for the price to drop.. The toys are cool, but become obsolete after a short period of time..

FW said...

L.B.: Its funny but this morning its not the tech stuff they're playing with but a large cardboard box! They'd have been happy with stuff they can climb in and out of!!

Mrs Big Hairy Woman: Usually the price of tech stuff drops because the next big thing comes along. We usually buy in the sales for a year ahead, that way we get best value for money.