Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting fatter again

My weight gain has been noticeable to me over the last 12 months. I’m going to have to deal with it more effectively, I have got to take control. Otherwise I’m going to end up having a heart attack or something. It’s very difficult to keep an eye on everything when you’re stressed and got a lot on your mind and when you’re generally depressed like I have been. Everything is gradual, you hardly notice it on a daily basis but the effects are cumulative. I try to tell myself that I’m not as big as some guys I see but comparing my size to others has never been helpful to me. I’m quite petit for a guy and am not tall, so comparisons are pretty meaningless. Packing the Wii away has meant that I have no real tracker of my weight: Wii Fit was great for tracking my weight – its just a shame the activities weren’t compelling enough for me in it.


laura b. said...

I can certainly sympathize, although I don't worry about myself in that regard nearly enough.

Another blogger, MrManuel, used Wii Action. That links to his review of it, and maybe you'd like it as well.

FW said...

LB: Thanks for the tip, I'll go take a look at the review. Our Wii is packed up for now in preparation for our house move (whenever that is going to be).

Tara said...

The last time I weighed myself, it said I was 151 pounds. That made me sad. So I stopped weighing myself.

I keep telling myself that any day now I'll get back on track with dieting and stuff. But I just love food so much.

FW said...

Tara: I know exactly how you feel! 151 pounds isn't so bad you know, you shouldn't be downhearted about it. I don't know what my weight is but its likely to be higher than that.