Monday, August 14, 2006

Guess Who Again

I need help again folks. I'd like to identify the figure in these photographs. On the sole of one of his feet is 2001 API. His right arm is spring loaded and chops down if you push it up. Is he some kind of Ninja character perhaps? Any help very gratefully appreciated.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


AlienCG said...

I'll direct my brother over this way. He knew the last one rather quickly.

Tara said...

Looks almost like Spawn, but I think he usually had a cape...

FW said...

Caatje: Yeah, it beats me too.

Alien: Much appreciated!

Tara: Yeah, the Gargoyle from last time was missing his wings - makes it difficult to tell who these figures are without their usual adornments. That's the danger of picking them up dirt cheap at boot sales I guess.

mojotek said...

The figure is very stylistic, with very broad shoulders and narrow waste... it reminds me of the Batman figures from the cartoon, or rather from the Justice League cartoon.

Ryan said...

I'm torn with this one. The hands scream Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to me, but my heart is telling to go down the Daredevil path. Hmmm...

Ryan said...

I was takin' a shower, and then it hit me - it's from the 2001 Kids' WB afternoon cartoon JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES! The Shadowkhan! Weeeeeeeeeeee.

Recognize that, buddy? Oh, yeah. ;)

FW said...

Mojotek: Thanks for the thoughts.

Ryan: Hey, you did it again! What a fantastic piece of deduction Watson! I should offer some sort of prize for this, but alas I don't have anything to offer but my praise and lots of it!