Monday, February 25, 2008

Run Fat Boy Run


I rented this DVD last week and enjoyed it. David Schwimmer directed it and did a good job at keeping the pacing right - it never feels laboured or slow and there are a good number of laughs evenly spaced throughout. Simon Pegg is his usual lovely self as the anti-romantic romantic lead and the whole cast was brilliantly recruited - each adding a little something of their own special quality to their parts. The story might not appeal if you were to read a synopsis and as a story you could read many levels of interpretation into it but the light-hearted interpretation the cast and director want you to understand shines through pulling this film up into the good category. Worthy of a watch if you feel like a light film that will make you chuckle.


laura b. said...

Its so funny...I had never even heard of this movie until a few days ago when someone mentioned it, then I read your review here. Karma is telling me to see this sounds like my kind of humor.

FW said...

I think you'll enjoy it. Let me know!