Thursday, July 29, 2010


This week has been enjoyable and productive so far. On Wednesday we cleared the loft of a number of items that had been hanging around too long. My wife also threw out our old Christmas tree and I think is secretly excited about buying a new one to replace it.

Today I sorted out the sitting room, it was becoming my sons play room: he was turning it into that and my wife and I were slowly retreating into either the dining room or our bedroom. I reclaimed it as a family room. Cunningly I have created a space behind the sofa where he can play with his Lego while my wife and I watch TV. He loves it. All I did was angle the sofa in a different way. I now have both the Wii and my Xbox plugged into the same TV. So I play my adult rated games after my kids have gone to bed.


laura b. said...

Sounds like a perfect solution for the family room! It is amazing what one small tweak can do to a room. Enjoy getting your space back!

FW said...

LB: Thanks, I was surprised myself by the positive reaction I got from my kids. My wife likes furniture to be arranged with symmetry but I like things a little different. I don't think my arrangement will last but we'll see.