My wife and I spent the day clearing the crap out of the garden. It was very satisfying to finish the final car trip to the dump knowing that the garden was clear. This includes the dreaded bottom shed. Now free for us to use as a garage for our bikes that we pick up tomorrow.
How very industrious of you! Great feeling, finishing a dreaded chore like that :-)
LB: I am feeling the exertion today, the muscles in my lower back are aching. I'm not used to doing very physical jobs, so today I'm feeling my age. I am pleased with our achievement though :-)
It is such a liberating feeling to throw stuff out that you don't need anymore, isn't it? On a day when I have a lot of trash to dispose of, it's a relief to see the trash bins all empty at the end of the day. Out of sight, out of mind!
Tara: Yes it is. Funny how things you hold onto for years not throwing out kind of weigh you down. I'm a habitual hoarder and think if I had hundreds of rooms I would just fill them all eventually.
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