Sunday, January 16, 2011

Was that a weekend?

What was that? Oh, a weekend? I missed it! My wife was working part of Saturday, so we got up early to run her to work and I took the children into town to get their haircut. I had to juggle my two children in two shops but that went pretty smoothly and fortunately neither had to wait to be seen at that time in a morning. We popped into the library before having to go and take my son to his swimming class. After that I took them both to the supermarket and selected the family shopping for the week, then back home to make us all some lunch. My wife called and asked to be picked up at two in the afternoon, after which we again pulled into town but this time to select some new glasses for us both. She made her choice of new frames faster than I did, so she took the children off while I finished up.

Late afternoon and evening I was doing finance stuff for work, which took about 6 hours. I stopped at 11pm because of having to get up at five the next morning. So Sunday was spent mainly as a passenger and a spectator. My children were both competing in a Judo Mini-Mon. Both came back with medals and some useful experience under their belt. When we got back got, I had a mountain of washing up to do – we don’t have a dishwasher sadly.

So it seems this weekend was one lost to complete functionality, with almost zero creative input from me! Shame that, can I have my two days off again on Monday and Tuesday though?


laura b. said...

Those non-weekendy weekends can be tough. I am always just thinking of those five days until I can even TRY again to have an actual weekend.

Congrats to your kids on their medals though! They must feel so proud of their achievements.

Tara said...

Ugh, I hate it when the weekend gets filled up with chores and running around! I don't mind shopping for a few hours for this or that, but then I need my home time. Hope you had a great lunch!

Congrats to your kids for their medals!

FW said...

LB: Thanks, they are so proud. At least I'm having something of a rest this weekend!

Tara: Thankfully, I don't have so much running around this weekend!