Sunday, October 02, 2011

Red - Saturday Scavenger Hunt

This is late, due to a very long day out yesterday. But here is my entry for the Saturday Scavenger Hunt. We attend a fair number of sport events and there are competitions known as Red Belt Rumbles, so here is my son's red belt. When it is first handed out to the children by the coach and they have to put it on for the first time, it is a great for the children to feel the pride and sense of accomplishment. I love the way they use coloured belts in Judo to reward progression.


laura b. said...

I like the colored belt system too! There is something very concrete for children (or anyone learning) to work towards.
Thanks for doing Saturday Scavenger Shots! Would you like to choose someone to go next? :)

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Love the colour.. and Laura is right.. it helps anyone including kids to achieve a set goal.. Well done!

FW said...

L B: thanks, I have more work? Ok, I will choose you then in that case:-)

Mrs HW: thanks. I don't have the photos but one I would have posted was of my first tracksuit, a lovely red number it was!