Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bad Blogger, Naughty Blogger

I have so neglected this blog. There is really no excuse. I'll stop going on about it now. I'm not a ranty person and I tend to have to forgive myself a lot in life generally.

Here's a question for you. Have you ever had your heart broken? And a supplementary, do you think it made you a stronger person? One more question: would you say it would benefit everyone to have their heart broken at least one time?

I was reading a blog post somewhere else that said it was good because it made them a person who was able to empathise and be resilient and not so certain about everything.

I have some sympathy with the view but it depends on the degree. I've experienced heartache and heartbreak in different ways and neither experience was enjoyable but yes I think you have to have been loved and in love to appreciate the cliff you fall off when things turn bad.

Here's another question for you: do you think a clean break is better or do you keep in touch with old lovers? It may say more about me but I've never managed to stay in touch with any old loves. It's always been a clean break. Partly that's been down to geographical distance but also because the nature of the split. With one person we mutually decided it had to be all or nothing and the time just wasn't right for us, so it ended with nothing. It still stings a bit in a way but I know it was the right thing.

If you have any thoughts on these questions, I'd be interested to hear them.


Tara said...

Excellent questions, FW!

I rarely fall in love, but I have had my heart broken. I don't wish it on anyone. It did make me more conscious of how I communicated with people. I try not to leave people guessing, since that's what happened to me.

I haven't had many clean breaks. If you can remain friends with that person, I think it's good. But if there is resentment, hurt and anger involved, then a clean break is probably the best.

laura b. said...

I got married pretty young, so any heartbreak I thought I experienced in early relationships did not go all that deep. I am still in touch with my first real boyfriend.
When my marriage began getting very bad I can't even say I experienced heartbreak. I was in survival mode because of the children and I just think it hardened me.
So, I'm not saying I've never been hurt in a relationship, but I'm not sure I've experienced real heartbreak.
Now I'm in a good relationship and I can only hope I don't have to find out!

FW said...

Tara: Good answers! I have a friend who has had her heart broken recently. There isn't really much that can be done about it. A clean break and good friends to take your mind off it are the best tonics. And there's always the temporary rebound! Although, that's never happened to me so I can't comment too strongly about that.

LB: That's probably quite a real experience for lots of people. Life has to go on when there are children involved. I wish you continued happiness forever!