Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A sunny spell at last

I heard yesterday that our country might be about to enjoy a couple of weeks of decent weather. April and May were very wet and even on Saturday the weather was chill outside. So I look forward to wearing T shirts outside and generally enjoying being outside. The only shame is that we're not given time off work, so we are still expected to hide our bodies in stuffy buildings while outside other people are enjoying freedom of movement. I do wonder where is the sense in this modern world?


laura b. said...

The weather has been pretty nice here, but I mostly know this by people coming in and telling me. Being sealed inside is awful.

Tara said...

We've been having nice weather, too. It seems my apartment's thermostat is finally evening out. Usually it's hotter inside in the summer than outside, but it actually feels good in my apartment on hot days now!

FW said...

L.B.: Yes, sealed is a descriptive word for how it feels!

Tara: I'm so glad you got your AC working right. Our house is good in the summer but it is a little too cold in winter in some of the rooms.