Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bloggers Block

I've been suffering a bit lately from Bloggers Block: when I wake up in the morning I generally have an idea for a blog post or I'm at work or travelling and another idea comes up but somehow it just seems to vanish as I sit down at the PC and open Blogger. So here I sit desperately trying to remember what it was I was going to say and nothing comes...but this. So, my apologies folks. I hope normal brain function will be resumed soon. But do any of you have any tips for overcoming this affliction? And what's been your longest break from blogging since you started?


Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I have had the same problem.. But I try to post even if it's noting substantial.. how about some pics or something? Hope to see you back soon....

Rachel said...

I will email myself random ideas so that if I run out of stuff I can go back and look at the emails to get some inspiration.

Tara said...

If I want to post something, but don't know what, I'll go to They usually have a good quiz thing to post. Then I get carried away with taking the quizzes. Hehe. I usually take a break from blogging during the weekend, even though I'll comment on other blogs then. But actually today I think I have something to post.

FW said...

Babybull40: Thanks, I sometimes do a few questions when I'm stuck for an idea - I'll try and do that next time I'm stuck.

Rachel: I sometimes email myself from work when I've a particularly good idea. I need a little notebook with me though because I am not always near a PC when I have an idea.

Tara: Thanks for the tip! I think my energy for blogging really varies according to what I have to do for work from one week to the next.

laura b. said...

Anyone who reads my blog knows that I am rarely all that inspired. Thank goodness for blogthings and memes, because I don't like to go more than a day or two without posting a little soemthing.