Our house is full. We need to move. Individually, we're just a lot of hoarders and too many hoarders in one family is not good. I had to get something from the loft (attic) this week and I got up there and my heart just sank. Finding out how much you've actually got to move when you do decide to go for me has been deeply upsetting. I'm telling you folks, we've got issues to address and stuff to chuck out. House prices are ridiculous, there is no way we could afford a four bedroom house in the area - they're like 400,000 pounds. That's not far off half a million, I remember when I had to think of the largest number I possibly could as a child and it was usually a million. Well, a million ain't like it used to be (it's still completely unrealistic an amount of money though).
Changing the subject completely, I learned over the weekend that the Chupa Chups logo (below) was originally designed by Salvador Dali. That would make a great trivia question, perhaps its already been used but I'd have thought it was a joke before reading
the truth.
DisconcertingOn another note, the wall clock in our dining room is running out of battery and nobody can be bothered to change it yet. It is disconcerting to realise I had less time than I thought to finish this post! Guess I'll have to change that battery now...
That Salvador Dali trivia would be the sort of thing that would pop up on Jeopardy in the US. I'll have to remember it just in case!
Maybe one of these days you could just sort the stuff out in the attic by labeling some boxes "Keep", "Throw Out", "Give Away" or "Sell". Just don't have the kids participate, or you'll never get rid of any of their old toys they don't use anymore. :)
We knocked down a garage to create a garden and now our big house is a big house full of junk that not even the worst idiot on ebay would touch with a bargepole for a dare...
Don't move, just de-clutter. All you are doing in buying a bigger house is paying out money to store your "stuff"...
By nature, I am a horder too. However, with such a big family I have had to become much more hardhearted when it comes to either throwing or giving things away. It is almost painful to realize how much you don't miss once it is gone.
Tara: good idea, the boxes aren't labelled anything like that at the moment.
ElizaF: De-cluttering is essential, space consuming stuff is just a waste of money - it has a hidden cost. We do need to move though, we need an additional bedroom.
LauraB: I know, I've given so much away of what I thought I could never let go. Just goes to show our attachments to objects sometimes imprison us.
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