Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas no.1

I’ve heard that a Facebook group has been set up to promote sales for Rage Against The Machine’s song Killing In The Name because there is a feeling that the X Factor is a cynical marketing ploy to artificially push it’s own winner to number 1. I like the Rage Against The Machine song and if I were to purchase one of the songs it would probably be that one. However, I’m not the type who buys singles and especially not at Christmas. The last single I bought at Christmas was probably the charity single Do They Know It’s Christmas?

It did get me thinking though, why not have an alternative alternative? So here is my choice for an alternative Christmas single: Death of Love by Cradle Of Filth. I jest of course but just imagine if my alternative catches on?


laura b. said...

I am all for alternatives...and alternatives to the alternatives

FW said...

L.B.: Well what do you know, Rage Against The Machine beat the X Factor finalist. A victory for the silent masses who usually have to suffer the artificial!

laura b. said...

haha! No one should doubt the power of Facebook :-) Hey...we should be Facebook friends too!