Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Solitude vs Social

There are times when I need to be alone. Times like this are usually when I haven't had much break from either work or family duties and I'm tired of looking out for others. If I don't have the right balance I can get irritable, it sort of takes over and I spiral into a descent of feeling undervalued. Nothing I do is appreciated. I know now (in a relaxed, neutral state) that this is not true but when I've not had chance to relax and rest I get a bit paranoid.
I like company and I actually prefer it but I also need time on my own. I think that people like me can be hard to understand when compared with people who are social and like the company of others at all times. I like to just do my own thing sometimes and this might seem like withdrawing to those who are social. It's not a comment on others, it's just part of me. It can be difficult with a family, there are responsibilities that mean withdrawing completely is not possible.
On the spectrum of solitude to social, where do you think you are? I would be closer to solitude but some way in from the pole.


laura b. said...

I think I am in the same general place on the continuum as you are.
I very much need some time for myself...and as you say, that can seem impossible with responsibilities that are constant. When I get too much time to myself I can become unpleasantly moody and introspective. So I am not a hermit! But not consistantly social at all.

FW said...

L.B.: I wish they would invent a mood detector and a remedy potion!

Tara said...

I love solitude. If I start to crave social interraction, I feel comfortable in smaller groups, especially with people I know.

The job I have now gives me some solitude but also gives me little interludes of social activity. I can comfortably socialize with many of my coworkers when they pass through or if we have a staff meeting.