Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lockdown rules for all?

So we learn that during the height of lockdown that one of the most senior members of the government's advisory staff took it upon himself to drive over 200 miles away from home with his family. This while the rest of the public were expected to respect the lockdown and stay away from the funerals of those they love. It is very disappointing behaviour and rather than flocking to defend Dominic Cummings the Prime Minister should have the decency to realise he has to make fair decisions for all. Quite why the rules should be bent for Dominic Cummings and not for everybody beggars belief. But that's not the only thing that beggars belief about this government. I saw the coverage of him leaving the house this morning and a right bag of rags he looked. Okay, so it was very intrusive to have the press outside your home but WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

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