There are some aspects of the lockdown that are pleasant. The return of animals moving into habitats that are no longer massively frequented by humans. The air quality over lots of cities has improved. The much lower levels of road traffic. The quietness of weekend mornings especially but mornings in general are quieter.
Then there are aspects that are unpleasant. Shopping for groceries is stressful to me. I hate it. I know I am exaggerating here but it feels almost like airport security. Stress. So I go as little as possible but with a family to feed one of us has to go once a week at least, if just to buy milk, bread and teabags.
Not going out so much means we are closer as a family than before the lockdown but this has brought with it some difficulties of its own. There are times when we get on each others nerves. I think it must be especially difficult for those who are living with abusive partners. Man, that's got to be tough.
The Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his partner have a baby boy now, born last weekend. In some ways that's brighter news for the whole country.
It has also been a week in which President Donald Trump suggested that disinfectant be injected into the blood to cure coronavirus and that also the virus doesn't like light, so bringing a dose of light into the body should be investigated. These are things that anyone might ponder in private or ask the professionals about however, you just don't do these things in a press conference watched by millions of Americans and the rest of the world. Of course its not the first time he has spouted off about the benefits of unproven treatments, while at the same time let's not forget he has cut WHO funding from the USA. The man is an absolute tool! And yet, even though the video footage is clear, what we get told is that his words are taken out of context. His words were just sarcasm to see how the negative press would report him. So the next day he leaves the press conference without taking any questions. He describes any challenge from the press as fake news. He does not like to be challenged by the press but excuse me have I missed something or isn't that their job? He'd rather hide behind his Twitter account and bully and snipe at people. He's a shockingly bad president. I just hope that the Americans can see him for what he is. He complains about fake news, well here's news: he's a fake president!
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