Friday, March 16, 2007

Losing Stuff You Never Meant To

Tara's blog post inspired this.

Every year for certain things, like car tax for example, you need to be able to bring together different documents: in this case an MOT certificate from a garage, an official form, your cheque and a valid insurance certificate. I have to hand it to my wife for instigating the introduction of "the grey box", which is a filing cabinet system to help organise our stuff. Some documents you have are not necessarily required annually. Documents like examination certificates, birth certificates and passports (we don't leave the UK that much in general) and so I think some stuff has been forgotten and just not made it into the "grey box". The other problem is that the "grey box" was getting rather full and it was getting harder and harder to put stuff into it easily, so she bought a set of drawers. So unfortunately now we have the "grey box" and "the drawers". But that's not all, we also have "the pigeonholes" that are part of our computer desk, my own "daddy's cupboard" which is where I just file stuff (ie. put it in a disorganised pile) and separate "car folders". This organisation crap has got totally out of control in our house and it drives me nuts!!! I can't find anything and the worst is I'll ask about something and even though I've been told where it is I still can't find it. I'll get all angry and hot in my frustration and I'm sure that this actually prevents me finding stuff even when it is under my nose because as soon as my wife looks again (in the same place) she usually finds what I was looking for: arrggghhhh! But what I don't understand is how someone who is as good at organisation as my wife loses her car keys everyday. We have a bowl near to our front door and I make it a habit to always drop my keys into it - I find the jangly clang noise satisfying in a "Honey, I'm home" kind of way even if its just myself in the house. But my wife just seems to drop her keys anywhere and then shouts "Has anyone seen my keys anywhere?" in a mild panic - arrgghhh!!!!!! The sooner they implant chips in us that bring together all this stuff so we can get rid of paper and keys and everything the better. There - that's my rant over with.

Have a simply wonderful weekend everyone :-)


Rachel said...

I used to have a hook by the door for my keys. That worked great but it was unsightly so I don't use it anymore.
I get pissed when I have my keys in my purse and I can't find them and have to dig around for 2+ minutes.
have you thought about getting some file folders and labeling them and putting them in the drawers that way? Like Car stuff in one, birth certificates & passports in one, each folder for a different bill or tax.
It might make things easier. You can even color code them.

Tara said...

I bought this three-hook key-thing to hang on my door. They have wooden letters that spell out Keys. I painted it a brick red, hung it near my door and I'm very proud that at least my keys are usually in that area. If they aren't then odds are I can retrace my steps and they're usually in the kitchen or hiding under my jacket I threw off to the side.

You have a wonderful weekend too! Have a Happy St. Patty's Day!

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I move stuff when cleaning around the computer.. I learned my lessn.. Here I was thinking I was helping to keep it tidy.. but alas not so.. I would get yelled at so I don't dare touch the pigeon holes or anythin that has his name attached.. I can say though.. I can find what he is looking for when he can't.. so much for being organized...

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Happy St Patrick's Day to you all....

FW said...

Rachel: I think our problem is that we don't have an office/study to keep stuff properly together. It's all in our dining room.

Tara: You can also buy keyrings that beep when you whistle for them. I'm a terrible whistler though - I doubt it would recognise me.

Babybull40: Sometimes I've been convinced my wife has moved something when she swears she hasn't. I tend to avoid those kind of arguments when I can now. I've learned my lesson too!