I went shopping with my son at the weekend and we ended up in Hawkins Bazaar, which is a shop I love because it has toys that remind me of my childhood. There are loads of little things that are very cheap, which is another reason I love taking the kids there because it's one toyshop that includes toys that require imagination. I ended up buying a few small items, one of which happens to be my daughter's new pet Melissa - see the Magic Wriggler picture above. It's just a bit of fluff and a strand of nylon but it's great fun to watch kids marvel at it in the playground. I remember really really wanting one of these as a child and I was so happy that after begging for one for days that my mom finally got me one. I think I played with it for a few hours after that and then got bored as kids do. I'm sure it was called something different to Magic Wriggler when I was a kid but I can't remember what it was.
I have to also mention the weather here. I cannot believe the weather in just one day:- it's got really cold and it changes from being sunny and bright to dark and pelting snow in what seems like an instant. Most odd. I have got to travel tomorrow and I don't think I'll have much time for checking up on the Blogosphere until the weekend unfortunately. Have a fun week though, whatever you get up to.
I think I used to have one of those too, FW! I don't remember what it was called though.
*sigh* Your loyal readers will try not to feel too neglected. Have a great week :-)
I remember those.. they are really cool toys.. Hope to see you back here soon.. have a super sunny day..
I'd love to go to something like that "Hawkins Bazaar". Sounds like I'd have loads of fun there.
My cat would probably get a kick out of that wiggler thing.
You have a fun week too, FW and all!
L.B.: Thanks, I did have a good week and I think I needed a blog break too!
Babybull40: Thanks ;-)
Tara: Skittles would definitely enjoy the wriggler, no doubt about it!
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