Saturday, October 10, 2009

A cold

I have caught a cold. It developed on Thursday evening and got worse on Friday. Today I feel pretty dreadful. I hope it’s not swine flu, doesn’t feel like flu but is pretty unpleasant nonetheless. I don’t do colds very well, I think my asthma makes them feel worse.


laura b. said...

I hope you feel better soon, FW.

Tara said...

Colds can be just as unpleasant as flu bugs or viruses. Take care and feel better soon!

A girl at work told me she thinks she has the flu. She'd better not give it to me, I haven't had my shot yet.

FW said...

LB: Thanks, I spent a bit more time in bed than usual on Sat and Sun and I think that helped.
Tara: Hope you don't catch it, I tend to think most of the time people have colds and only once in a while get flu. Certainly here I think people overuse the flu word.