Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Musings

Just finished a nose bleed. It's neither a common experience but at the same time it's the third or so in the last three months. Slightly alarming is the way it gushes out. I think I may have high blood pressure, due to stress. It clots up pretty quick though so it's not like I'm losing much blood or anything. I'm not alarmed by my own blood, obviously though I prefer not to see it. I have donated blood in the past, maybe I should donate again, they do always welcome volunteers. It's good blood as far as I'm concerned. Speaking of blood, has anyone seen True Blood? Channel 4 here has started showing the first season over here and I've missed 3 episodes so far, if its any good I might watch them using the 4 On Demand service on the internet.
Not much else to report. I have been finding it difficult again to think of something to write about. I borrowed a book from the library that is about writing. Maybe it will free up some thoughts and help me to write again. We shall see, I've a story I started using Google Docs earlier in the year, maybe I'll pick that up again and add more to it.


laura b. said...

Aw, your poor nose! I guess if it inspires you to give blood, though, it is a good thing :-)

I definitely recommend True Blood. It is so good, FW. Please check it out. And please keep writing! You have a lovely natural style.

Tara said...

I've never seen True Blood, and although I kind of like the whole vampire thing, I probably won't see that or any of the Twilight movies. I'm into the stuff, just not as much as I used to be.

Aside from the nose bleeds, how are you feeling otherwise? My brother used to get those a lot, but I think it was a common, treatable problem.

FW said...

LB: Thanks, I will check out True Blood - Salem's Lot was probably the last good TV vampire series I watched.
Tara: I'm ok thanks. I'm surprised to hear you've gone off the vampire stuff a bit. I know you liked Underworld.