Sunday, January 31, 2010

Final Day of January 2010

I can't quite believe its the end of January. It doesn't seem that long ago since I was returning to work after Christmas. The weather is very cold, we had a few flakes of snow for a few minutes but nothing prolonged or longlasting.
I was thinking about what this year might bring. And thinking about the usual things I look forward to. Things like Easter, the Eurovision Song Contest (Pete Waterman is apparently composing the UK entry), booking a holiday and looking forward to summer in general. I'd quite like the weather to get lighter in the evenings and mornings: not to mention it getting warmer.
Moving house is something I look forward to, although that's an adventure that's not really begun yet. One step at a time. I am optimistic about this year though. This weekend was good overall.


laura b. said...

How wonderful that you are feeling optimistic. Sometimes that is half the battle.

Tara said...

I'd like Summer to arrive sooner rather than later. Or just give me several months of Spring first - blossoms, fresh blades of grass, fresh air. All that good stuff.

FW said...

LB: It's a kind of crazy optimism, I don't know where it comes from.

Tara: I like being outside but not when its so cold. Spring is a good time of year, I always enjoy the Spring.