Friday, February 12, 2010


There has been a noticeable amount of advertising for Valentines Day I've noticed this year. I don't know whether this is because:
  • it always happens but I just have noticed it more this year
  • more advertising money has been spent by those selling products/services this year
  • everyone wants to spread some fruity good news as we come out of the recession of last year
  • it falls on a weekend this year and it gives an extra shopping day or two to get sorted out
The whole thing has always left me slightly uncomfortable. In the same way that asking a girl out did, usually because it was such a difficult thing to do I made a hash of it out of embarrassment and my shyness.  After my experience, my advice to my son (if he asks when its time) will be, just be direct and ask. I found that if I got to the stage where I was taking a girl out for a night, I would instinctively know if she was interested. The danger is when it's borderline and you can't tell. I've probably lost a couple of friends that way and the other way too: rushing into something physical when it should have remained platonic. Can you have a platonic friendship with someone you could have loved? Or does the love eventually destroy it by rearing it's ugly head?


laura b. said...

Because I am one of those girls, or women, who is MUCH more likely to be viewed as a pal than an object of desire, I have also become one of those girls, or women, who does pretty well handling platonic friendships with people I could have loved.
I know there is some belief that men and women can't really be friends, but I don't find that to be true at all. Apparently I am NOT irresistable! haha!

FW said...

LB: lol, me too!

Tara said...

I haven't noticed an increase in annoying Valentine's Day commercials, but an annoying, static pattern of the same amount. I'm not bitter, though. ;)

Thanks to the repetitive nature of those ads, I can now mimic the actresses in the jewelry commercials. "Oh my gawd, he went to Jarrod's!"

FW said...

Tara: Some adverts do get under your skin in an annoyingly catchy way! Your anti-Valentines post made me laugh ;-)