Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas is looming larger

We’re almost midway through November and the shopping is getting harder. People are getting more manic as Christmas looms. The shops are openly stocking Christmas gifts. It won’t be long before Christmas muzak is piped through the sound systems wherever I go. I don’t know if I like this part of Christmas, I do like the German markets and aspects of traditional Christmas events. It is probably too early to talk about Christmas but I know that some people have already bought all their gifts already. Not me. This year, we’re supposed to be making our own Christmas gifts: I have no idea what to make for any of my family.


laura b. said...

I like the pretty lights and I like presents, but Christmas tends to make me feel pressured.

I think it is brilliant that you guys are making your presents this year!

FW said...

LB: I still have no ideas what to make. I wonder about painting a portrait. Thanks though :-)