I saw yesterday that a new Tom Clancy novel is about to be published. I didn’t really know who Tom Clancy was until a few years ago. The first Tom Clancy experience I can remember is the time I played a computer game called Rainbow Six. I can’t remember how I came to have it, I don’t remember buying it – perhaps it came with a software bundle? I don’t know. In the game you have to plan a sequence of moves in various locations to attempt rescues of hostages who are being held by terrorists. In the second stage of the game you get to play as the SAS and storm the building to clear rooms. The second experience was probably reading the book Red Storm Rising, which I actually really enjoyed. I have read many more of his books since then and have enjoyed them. So a new Tom Clancy book is something to look forward to.
I hope you enjoy his new book! I love looking forward to books and movies coming out!
Tara: Thanks, I'm savouring the book I'm currently reading but you bet - when the paperback comes out I'll be first in line for it.
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