Sunday, December 02, 2012


I like advent calendars. Always have. The ones I had as a kid were simple and basic and there was no chocolate or gifts inside them. Still, I liked opening up the little windows to see what was inside. So to remind me of those days, here's a candle...


laura b. said...

I will admit that the thing I like most about an advent calendar is the little chocolate. When my kids were small they'd each have to wait their turn for their next day to come. It was quite nailbitting! :)

Tara said...

I love advent calendars too. I really liked the idea of having something visible to remind me that Christmas was getting closer. We made Christmas chains made of construction paper on year, and each morning I was able to rip off one link. Then as I got older, I was given more detailed advent calendars.

FW said...

LB: Nailbiting but in a very nice way! Love the though of them waiting in anticipation :-)

Tara: What a lovely idea having a paper chain! I liked the surprise of opening the windows of my calendar. Christmas seemed full of nice surprises when I was young!