Over the last three years I've developed an enjoyment of the novels of Tom Clancy and various spin-off series. I'm not a fast reader so I don't get through nore than about 10 books of a fairly lengthy size a year. I wish I read faster but a combination of slow reading speed and competing amount of leisure time available puts a limit on the volume I can get through. I rarely buy a new book these days, if I do it's usually not fiction but either for work or for personal development or it's a biography. I buy secondhand fiction and try to buy series to start at the beginning (not always possible). I keep a stock of books to read in the future, which I just got down from the loft and to my astonishment there are 40 novels! Cripes, that's 4 years of reading!! The shot below is the collection I have to get through. It's a bit intimidating isn't it?

I don't hang onto them when I've read them, which my wife is grateful for, as I rarely re-read a book. I don't really see the point of re-reading novels but I do re-watch films so I guess the principle is the same but I just don't do it. Maybe because I'm a fairly slow reader it is always more appealing to read a new book than to re-read an old one.
I've just finished a book and you can read my review of it on my Multiply site
here. I'd be interested to hear about your reading habbits and what your reading at the moment. I've just started Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy, which was the first Tom Clancy novel I bought (I wanted to read them in order) - bought following enjoying playing the computer game.
I'm a slow reader as well. Plus, I have to be in the mood to sit down and read the book, which is why I'm so impressed with some that are so interesting that I can't wait to get back to it.
If you like Tom Clancy books, you might like some novels by James Patterson. I recommend his books where he writes from the viewpoint of a detective named Alex Cross from DC. A few of those books have been made into movies. "Kiss the Girls" was very interesting.
Thanks for the tip about James Patterson, I'll buy the next book I see by him - my wife might be interested as she likes detective novels: Patricia Cornwell is one of her favourites.
I don't read anything. I'm a dumb person, and I'd like to keep it that way. :p
I have Rainbow Six on N64! w00t.
I never had a N64 but they can be picked up quite cheap now. Never seen it as an N64 game though. The PC version is hard, but realsitic - one hit and your dead!
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