Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Spooky: Part 2

This clip is a bit longer, about 10 minutes, but I hope you stick with it as it's worth it. I watched it on TV and it was one of those moments when I thought "this is going too far"! It's actually quite terrifying and you'll look at video games with a fresh eye and it might just give you nightmares.

Part of me is fascinated by this stuff. I can't believe he actually pulled this off. It is all explained in the end and the guy involved is alright afterwards but for a few minutes, believe me, you'll be concerned.


Tara said...

Oh my word, that was disturbing! All I could think of was that would be the last time that guy would touch an arcade game in a long time, but it looks like he didn't remember any of it!

Very weird!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

That was interesting !! I'm suprised his friends didn't intervene with what was happening and I monder what would have happened if he'd have really started kicking the crap out of one of those actors playing the zombies. ?

FW said...

Tara: Yes you'd think it would make him develop an aversion to games but afterwards he was laughing to his friends and saying how great it was!

Andrew: The health and safety issues of something like this must run into their hundreds, so many unpredictable factors. I'm surprised he ever managed to make the programme but I'm glad he did. I think the dangers made it so exciting.