I think it's a great NME cover. It's so refreshing to see a strong woman voicing her opinions and not being afraid to challenge an industry that makes a virtue of Bulimic teen models. Beth's nude cover challenges the conventional idea of High Street magazine covers (predominantly read by men) and demonstrates perfecty that a woman can be big and beautiful. I'm delighted that she came from the punk underground because I feel alternative, independent music made by bands today is some of the best music I've ever heard. It's great for young people to have inspirational role models who make us all think and a great time for music - The Gossip are an awesome band and Beth an awesome talent.
I saw this cover a few days ago and it is strange because her build is exactly like mine. I could almost see my face on her body (other than the big pair of red lips on her bum).
Good for her that she has not problem baring all to a society that seems to think that moking fat people is oft times an acceptable sport.
Good for her! When I see women with real bodies like that who are brave enough to show them off I am so appreciative. Not every woman in the world is a size zero and not all men even find size zero attractive.
Rachel: It's the people who mock others that annoy me, they're so arrogant!
L.B.: Exactly right.
Wow, I bet you wouldn't lose her in the bedsheets. Why would someone want a skinny picky pale and cold woman as a girlfriend when he could have someone as interesting and personality-filled as this woman?
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