My wife called me in to watch this roller coaster, man I was shaking just looking at the thing! It's at a place called Cedar Point in Ohio. This particular roller coaster is the Top Thrill Dragster, my wife would go on this. Me? No chance. I hate 'em. Check out these photos and scroll down to the bottom pic to see what I'd look like if I went on this.

I'm sorry, but if trees look like dots from where you are on a coaster, you won't be able to drag me on there. This place is in my state, but I haven't been there since I was a kid because I'm not a big coaster person. I've been on a few at another theme park, but I can do without them.
That last photo says it all. Lol!
It's in your state? Awesome, it looks like there is lots there even if you aren't into coasters. Me and my son ("the boys") would be doing the vintage cars or some other gentle rides and my wife and daughter would be on as many coasters as they could get!
Well the one thing I remember really enjoying was the YoYo. It's pretty much a ride with swings, and it starts to spin you and then it raises you up and swings you some more and dips and rises a bit. I really love it. I think they have some twirly rides there. Those are the ones I like.
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