Friday, February 03, 2006

Travel by Train

I've heard of Bystander Apathy before. Usually, its where people become bystanders to a crime or ugly behaviour like bullying but they don't intervene. I'm not proud of myself when I've been a bystander sometimes but have not had the guts to put my head above the parapet. On the train today, I got into the mobile free carriage and sat down. I couldn't believe that someone a few seats down was playing a portable DVD player without headphones - he had the volume quite loud. Unfortunately it was playing Lee Evans live. I don't mind watching Lee Evans, nothing against him, he's one of those comedians that I have to be in the mood for - I can find him hilarious one day but another I can sit with a straight face and not even be tempted to smile. I guess today was one of those days. I wanted to tell the guy to put some headphones on, a lady asked him if he had any - I didn't see his response I guess it was no. But the whole carriage let him watch it at that volume, even though it contained bad language. I'm glad there were no young children around. I think I would have said something then.

On a related note I do think that sometimes people can't hear the noise their headphones make, especially if they're cheap and nasty ones - bad sound leakage can be really irritating. I was putting my bag into a coach luggage store once and the grumpiest coach driver in the world had a go at me for getting my Walkman out of it, the bastard. He obviously thought I would have it turned up to blast my ears and everyone else out without even giving me the benefit of the doubt.

But at least some people wear headphones. This bastard wasn't, he could have at least sat in another fucking carriage - like one without quite zone stickers on the windows. I can't believe the guard didn't say anything to him either. The guard fined someone 20 quid two seats away
for not buying a ticket before travelling. He should have fined the twat watching the DVD in my opinion.

Rant over. Now I'm tired and I want chocolate and the house is empty of it. Fuck!

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