Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Today's score: 19

You're wandering what the score I'm talking about is aren't you? Well, my wife signed up to receive a free Lynx gift (Lynx as in the deodorants range) and it arrived last week. It's a shiny chrome clicker that counts from zero to 9999, it has a reset knob and a clicker that increments the readout by 1. But what am I counting? You yell at the screen. That's easy - I'm counting what it is intended for, all the pretty girls I see. So a score of 19 isn't bad at all. I did have to go to Birmingham today though, so that's why the count is so high. Normally, I'd say the count would be much closer to zero.

I noticed that when I left the house today at 7am, the sky was much lighter than it has been recently. It has also been getting slightly warmer over the last few days. I like it when it's lighter in the mornings, mainly because I hate driving in the dark. Especially narrow roads in the countryside.


Ryan said...

You get cool free junk. I just keep getting luggage. If I change my bank a few more times, I'm gonna have had accummulated an entire collection of tote bags. I'd rather get teddy bears!

FW said...

My wife loves the Freebiers Club where she submits and finds out about free junk, I just reap those benefits!