Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Tuesday Telling
Eggs are a great breakfast food aren't they? It's a pity about the cholesterol but they are pretty tasty to have now and again. I like the Egg McMuffin because of the round chunk of egg inside them, I like soft boiled eggs and dipping my toast soldiers into the golden yoke and I like the allure of the poached egg with its yoke veiled in a long white dress. Going back to the McMuffin, how do they get the egg perfect like that everytime? Is it that they buy them frozen like that and just reheat them or are they actually cooked on the premises? I don't know. Well, now you know I like eggs but I also like gadgets. OK, so now put the two together and you have Egg-Gadgets, that's right and I'm up for a cheap gagdet now and then. So here it is: I said to my wife as she left the house recently, "See if they have those egg cookers for the
microwave, find out how much they are". Little did I know hours later that I would be blessed with my own microwaveable egg cooker. My wife unsportingly used it first I'm sorry to say and I wasn't around to oversee her (that's my metaphor for her telling me to get out of the kitchen). So I heard about the aftermath - explosions and all. Well, I kept the instruction on the card and put the device away until I required an egg next. Not for several weeks I have to say and by that time (this evening) I'm sorry to say that the instructions were nowhere to be found. "I have it!" I shout, running like a man possessed to the computer "t'net will 'ave it" (for suddenly I've adopted a Northern accent) and into Google I do type "microwave egg poacher instructions" and there I do find some instructions. 4.5 minutes on a 600 watt microwave at 50 per cent power. My stomach is rumbling well bad because last time I ate was lunchtime and it's gone 8pm now - I spent the early evening sorting out my mother in-laws computer around her house. So now I'm well up for some egg to go with the fries I'm cooking in the oven (that are just almost cooked). So I make some quick calculations in my head: we have an 800 watt oven. I have no idea what formula I should use to calculate this but like every good man I authoritatively dial in the first number that comes into my head (3mins 30 sec) pretending there is some scientific pretext. My wife stands back. I stand proud. On goes the light, round goes the turntable and my stomach shouts "FOOD!". I think to get a plate, take the fries out of the oven and arrange them (leaving a nice round shape for my lovely well-formed egg disk to go into). "I think I'll just..." BOOM KAPOW! Oh no! Egg disaster! Egg Alert. Egg Alert. Egg Alert. We have an egg down. Repeat. We have an egg down. Well not so much down as spread, all over the inside of the microwave. I reach into the blast zone and retrieve a fragment of yoke "Do you think it'll be edible?" I ask my wife, who has that raised eyebrow that says "I told you so". I did eat some egg at least. Shame about the timing. I've got to get that right. Many eggs may be lost in the struggle but I'm gonna do it, damn it!

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I'm so sorry about the egg tragedy. Next time just reduce it by one minute and see what happens. You'll get it.
If gadgets make you happy, then you might be pleased to learn that a gadget is what makes the egg in the egg McMuffin perfectly shaped. I learned while working at McDonald's. There's this grill thing with four or five plastic textured circles on it that we put on the grill and then break the egg into. Then voila, you have a perfectly formed egg for the muffin!
Ah, that's how its done. I should have been able to guess that but nevermind, I know now. I used to have something that looked like a frying pan with egg shaped depressions. You had to fill it with water, break eggs into the depressions and let the boiling water below cook the eggs - that was the theory but the eggs never cooked properly and it was difficult to get them out of the depressions: they used to stick. It was also a nightmare to clean afterwards.
Eggs are awesome.. I love them, but they don't love me.. Over the yeas I have developed a sensitivity to them, so I can eat one a week.. as for the"egg Mcmuffin" I use to like them till I started going to "Tim Hortons" and they offer a nice Egg sandwich with sausage or bacon and melted cheese on a biscuit.. yumm yumm..
Mmmmmmm Sausage McMuffin with Egg. If it is freshly cooked is is fantastic.
I haven't ever used one of these gadgets either so good luck to you.
I just scramble my eggs usually.
D likes them over easy.
What does 'over easy' mean? I've heard it before and wondered.
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